Holiday Ho Hum
After spending the weekend with family (most who are older than me), the conversation invariably turns to health issues. We all have one or the other of health problems or aches and pains, whether chronic or newly diagnosed.
I am reminded of the “Everybody Loves Raymond” episode where Frank takes Raymond to his lodge and they sit in the sauna with Franks cronies, wrapped only in towels from the waist down. They all complain about what ails each of them and one of them comments after each with “ I’ve got that”. A total laugh fest, but how true to life it is once we turn 60 or sometimes before.
I am always ready to share my own experiences, especially to someone who really isn’t familiar with Multiple Sclerosis. Although there are times when a full explanation isn’t particularly necessary to the conversation.
With the holidays that are here, let’s try to focus on the good things in our life, no matter how small, rather than the negative.