After nearly five years and only the first COVID vaccination that was available, my husband and I contracted Covid. He had the usual symptoms which mimic a mild cold. Four days later I began to show symptoms but not as severe. Somewhere in the back of my mind I suspected Covid so he purchased two home tests for us to use. Mine showed a slight line to the positive and his was definitely positive.

I knew that it was too late for him to start on an anti-viral but for me, the sooner the better. I immediately contacted my family PA, and she sent out the prescription for Paxlovid. I had read about side effects and wasn’t concerned with any of them. It is a five day, three capsules, twice a day dosing. I am on the fourth day and definitely believe that it kept me from a potentially dangerous case of Covid. Being that my immune system is compromised, it was imperative that I received the anti-viral early.

The only complaint I have about Paxlovid is the horrible metal taste that it leaves in your mouth. Imagine Zicam on steroids! 

Wish me well!