When I finally tested negative for Covid, I woke up a few days later with a head cold. What the heck? Did I really need another virus around the holidays? You would assume that after being on an anti-viral for five days that my immune system would be untouchable!
Unless once finished, my immune system was wide open for more.
We had planned to attend a wedding the weekend following Christmas. A six hour drive and exhaustion
from being ill for two weeks, along with enhanced MS symptoms, has made it impossible to attend.
I have learned to accept changes in future plans, but it has not taken away the guilt or disappointment that I experience when it occurs.
The motto I now live by (when it comes to my health),
“One day at a time”.
Bridget Koster
Dang viruses! We missed you at the wedding but you were where you needed to be. Hope you are feeling much better now. ❤️