My husband and I attended a small MS conference for couples focusing on the patient and the caregiver. 

10-12 partners were in attendance. We each completed a series of questions about our disease and the struggles we all faced everyday. It was beneficial to meet other men and women who were living with different stages of MS and how they coped with each one whether mild or severe. 

The biggest surprise I had was how the caregiver was, at times, more exhausted than the person with the disease. When in the zone of issues that face me everyday, I found that I was pretty oblivious to how all the demands affected my spouse. 

Along with a full-time job, taking over all the chores at home and taking care of a person you love can become extremely overwhelming. The caregiver becomes a CNA without proper training.

I consider myself very fortunate to have a loving, caring husband who is always there for me physically or mentally. 

His explanation is this:

Most people spend their life looking for ways to be of assistance to others, while his opportunity is right in front of him everyday.

Sure, there are days that are more challenging than others and that’s okay. After being married for more than forty years no day is perfect with or without MS.