When you see me, whether you are a stranger, an acquaintance or a friend, you will see someone that is put together, smiling and at peace.

What you don’t see is what takes place to get to that point, or what is going on underneath.

My day begins with Nick helping me out of bed into a wheelchair, then transferring me to the toilet, back to the chair and pushing me out to the living room for daily medications and a protein shake. After that, it is back to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Nick transfers me to the shower chair and then I wash and dry. Transfer back to the wheelchair to dry my hair, apply lotion, brush my teeth and get dressed.

Nick (bless his heart) assists me with all of it. Once all this is accomplished if we aren’t going anywhere, I go back to the living room to check emails, have a cup of coffee, and relax.

Basically, this is my morning from 6:30am to 9:00am everyday, for the rest of my life. 

So when you see me smiling and put together, know that it didn’t happen through osmosis.

And if Nick is with me, thank him for his unselfish love.