Medtronic is the manufacturer of the Baclofen Pump and other internal devices. One way that they introduce these devices is through conferences.

My PA asked me if I would be interested in speaking about my experience with the pump to a group of about 50 Doctors, PA’s and RN’s at a conference being held at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Denver. I love sharing my experience, strength and hope to anyone that will listen and was excited for this opportunity.

Wanting to look my best, I wore a nice dress and sandals to the event. We arrived at the hotel and as my husband removed the wheelchair from the trunk he realized that he hadn’t put the foot rests in with the chair. Sometimes when faced with adversity you have to put on the big girl panties and move forward. We didn’t have time to return home so the solution was to be pushed doing a wheelie through the hotel to the conference room and to the front of the meeting with 50 or so professionals. Woo Hoo! Nervous to begin with, we found the situation hilarious. Laughter is a great stress reliever and I was able to share my experience successfully. I truly believe that humor can get you through anything. So if given the choice between laughing or crying what would you choose?