9 years ago I began reading several articles about the use of stem cells for non curable diseases such as MS, Parkinsons, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc.

A hospital in Cleveland, Ohio was experimenting with 

clearing the immune system with chemotherapy then reintroducing one’s own stem cells back into the body. It was showing promise in several individuals, although rather dangerous and costly as insurance was not covering it. After speaking directly with the team involved, I decided it was still too risky to try. 

At the time I was searching for anything that might halt and repair the damage that was running rampant through my body.

I began researching another opportunity in California where liposuction removes fat cells from the hips and thighs, is enhanced and purified, then reintroduced into areas of damage. According to the website and testimonies their success was fairly high. After speaking with the director and my family, we decided it was worth a try. The procedure was $20,000 not including flights, hotel and meals. This seemed like a lot of money, but if it worked, it would be worth it.

We arrived on a sunny October day. The next morning we met the director and several other patients with varying degrees of diseases and disability, all praying for a cure. The odds of a successful outcome were about 60/40.

The entire procedure took only a few hours, not necessarily painful but very uncomfortable. My own stem cells were removed and then reintroduced by IV, into my blood stream, bladder and through the nasal passages. Back to the hotel, post-op in the morning and then home to wait impatiently for something magical to happen, which didn’t. After a couple years I was resigned to the fact that it had been a waste of time and money. I mentioned the experience to my MS doctor here and he informed me that the idea was on the right track but the delivery of stem cells would not be successful until they could cross the blood-brain barrier. That made perfect sense!

A few years ago, I received a letter from a team of lawyers stating that the company was being sued for falsely advertising the success rate they were claiming. Not long after, I received a check for $2000 in compensation for the suit filed. 

The entire experience became an “oh well”, “live and learn” and “I won’t be doing that again any time soon” one.