I am a cat person. I have had a cat in my life since I was 5 years old, until recently. I am not a dog person, probably due to having several scary experiences with dogs throughout my life. Being chased by a German Shepherd when I was walking home from kindergarten, or being trapped on a porch with nothing between me and a growling black Lab. Need I say more? So when we agreed to babysit my daughter’s Black Lab/Blue Healer I had no idea what to do with him! Being in a wheelchair made it impossible to do anything other than throwing a tennis ball down the basement stairs.

Then a few years ago she purchased a black pug for her daughter at Christmas, appropriately named Mortimer or Morty for short. If you have ever been around a pug you know that they are snorters, snorers, and are so ugly that they are cute. 

Once again I really didn’t want to pay much attention to him. But surprisingly this crazy pup decided to fall in love with me. As soon as he sees me he begs to be on my lap and attack my face with kisses. I don’t know if he likes that I am always sitting or if he truly loves me?

Regardless of whether it is one or the other, this little goofball has stolen my heart.