Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.

I learned this the hard way. Being the independent person that I am, giving up even the smallest activity became a major accomplishment.

For example: tying my shoes, writing my name, shaving my legs, picking up a glass and putting down a glass, cutting my food. The list goes on and on! All of these little things can add up to one frustrated Marita. 

I truly believe that for a period of time Satan lived in my bathroom! Most of my daily activities took place before noon in this wonderful room. Using the toilet, showering, getting dressed, all things that I used to take for granted suddenly became huge obstacles to my day, ending in anger, a few choice words and tears.

Accepting and admitting that I needed help with daily tasks was a hard pill to swallow. But what do you know, as soon as I gave in and let others help me, satan magically disappeared!

Just making the decision was such a relief!

I now have the time and energy to do the things that I

