Today I want to share the science behind Multiple Sclerosis, which can be different for every person.

Doctors usually see four forms:

Relapsing-remitting: Symptoms flare during acute attacks, then improve nearly completely or “remit.” This is the most common form of MS.

Primary-progressive: MS slowly but steadily worsens.

Secondary-progressive: Begins as relapsing-remitting type, then becomes progressive.

Progressive-relapsing: The underlying disease steadily worsens. The patient has acute relapses, which may or may not remit. This is the least common form of MS.

The sooner the diagnosis and a DMT (disease modifying therapy) is started, the better chance of not progressing to the more debilitating forms of MS. 

It took nearly six years of relapses, before I was finally diagnosed with Relapsing-remitting MS. Although I used several different medications over a period of time, it wasn’t long before I was labeled as Secondary-progressive. Not a happy day for me!

As I am now in my 60’s, the relapses have stopped but the damage has been done and I deal with the results of years of misdiagnosis.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to stay in touch with the signals your body gives you. Be your own advocate!