My Angel
Due to my strong independence and stubbornness, I was constantly trying to do more than I could or should, resulting in total exhaustion and frustration. Everyday was Groundhog Day. Get out of bed, eat breakfast, get dressed, drink coffee, make my lunch and spend the rest of my day accomplishing absolutely nothing. Sounds pretty normal, right?
The difference for me was that getting out of bed required help, making breakfast could result in knocking over protein powder, getting dressed was a major chore, hot coffee could end up on the floor, and making lunch usually burned or spilt. This was all before noon.
Yes, I needed help to eliminate these issues.
We turned to home health care companies to assist me with housework, laundry, preparing meals, running errands and picking up the things that I drop throughout the day.
There are several agencies that provide these types of services, not covered by insurance as they don’t include medical assistance. Some are better than others, so we interviewed to see which one could provide what we needed. Read that sentence again!
It is so important to not settle on any one agency until finding the right fit.
Finally, after working with two agencies and 3 women, with not much luck in finding a good fit, a lady from Visiting Angels was introduced to us. She came in with confidence, compassion, companionship and a willing attitude. Almost six years later she is still my angel. Because of her, Nick doesn’t have to be bothered with meals, laundry, housework or my safety when he is at work during the week and I don’t have to spend the energy that I have on mundane tasks. This Angel has become a friend that I look forward to seeing every single week! So don’t give up until you find your Angel!